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Program Overview

The National Cardiovascular Big Data Platform is a collaborative cardiovascular big data research project initiated by the China Cardiovascular Health Alliance under the auspices of the China Health Information and Healthcare Big Data Society. Through the construction of a nationwide collaborative cardiovascular clinical research network and advanced information technology data processing tools, the platform effectively utilizes larger population data for big data analysis, thus generating conclusions and recommendations with clear guidance to further build a comprehensive clinical decision support system in the cardiovascular field.


Adopting a big data network model for research support, the cardiovascular clinical research platform has been fully rolled out in the cardiology departments of the pilot hospitals, building a clinical decision support system based on existing authoritative guidelines and consensus and artificial intelligence technologies.

- Helping hospital cardiology departments with information technology construction, providing one-stop data query and clinical research analysis support, and facilitating high-level research collaboration.

- Improving the overall quality of cardiovascular healthcare services by enhancing the ability of hospitals at all levels to standardize the treatment of patients with cardiovascular disease.

- Improving the ability to manage the post-discharge follow-up of patients with cardiovascular disease.

Project Honors

iHeart project selected as "2020 Big Data Industry Development Pilot Demonstration Project" by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology


iHeart project was awarded "2019 China Health Care Outstanding Achievement" by China Health Information and Health Care Big Data Society

Project Features

-- Successful and experienced implementation of the project, contributing to multi-centre collaboration in the field of healthcare big data in China.

-- International innovations in technical framework, implementation pathways and data protection and sharing.

-- High level of support and input from CCA.

-- Endorsed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and relevant academic institutions.

-- Associated with cardiologists from 30 hospitals in China and relevant thematic research.