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Research and Analysis Systems

International Common Data Modelling System

The adopted international common data model system of OHDSI OMOP CDM can better support hospitals’ information interconnection and international development strategies, promoting their inter-hospital collaboration at home and abroad.

Mainstream Terminology System for International Clinical Research

Supported by the mainstream terminology system for international clinical scientific research, SNOMED CT, an integrated ontology knowledge base of medical information in Chinese is constructed to achieve semantic derivation and retrieval, improving the capabilities of the rational utilization, mining and development of clinical data in hospitals.

Multi-omics and Multi-modal Data Fusion Technology

Multi-omics information fusion technology is used to integrate and analyze high-throughput omics data from multiple levels and sources. Multi-modality image integration technology is employed to support interconnection with all mainstream imaging equipment that complies with relevant imaging protocols and standards, to meet the requirements of interoperability and fusion analysis.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Technology

Natural language processing (NLP) technology is used for post-structured processing and semantic analysis of medical records from hostiptals, to greatly improve the efficiency of data utilization and deeply mine the effective value of texts.

Protecting Privacy - Desensitization Technology

Referring to the compliance requirements of HIPPA international security and privacy, data is subject to strict privacy protection and desensitization processing. This technology supports desensitization at the data collection end in incremental and real-time ways, with flexible and configurable algorithms.

Application Cases

-- Cancer Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (National Oncology Big Data Platform)

-- Nanfang Hospital (Tumor-Specific Database and Research Analysis System)

-- Xinjiang Cancer Hospital (Tumor-Specific Database and Research Analysis System)

-- Chongqing Cancer Hospital (Tumor-Specific Database and Research Analysis System)

-- Anhui Provincial Hospital (Heart Failure-Specific Database and Research Analysis System)

-- China Cardiovascular Association (iHeart Cardiovascular Research Analysis and Assistant Decision Support Platform)

-- Peking University First Hospital (Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Specialized Database Research and Analysis System)

-- Peking Union Medical College Hospital ( National Rare Diseases Registry System of China, NRDRS)

-- Jiangsu Province Hospital (Clinical Research Analysis System)

-- The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University (Clinical Research Analysis System)

-- Guangji Psychiatric Hospital (Clinical Research Analysis System)

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